
Christmas fun

It wasn't intended for Kai, but Kai has enjoyed the Wii Fit--it's a bit easier to manage than the Wiimote. You can tell he was into it, but still needed a touch of help. And of course when the girls get into it, Kai just follows along.

From 2009.12

Our creative side

Enjoying some painting recently. Kai usually prefers the left hand, but this time he used the right. Not that it matters--the paintings look about the same either way. He's getting ready for a new art class that starts in a couple weeks. Don't ask me where the Hello Kitty apron came from!

From 2009.12


Nike Employee Store

We were able to visit the Nike employee store lately. The Tiger Woods' golf section had limited activity. It felt as if people purposefully were walking around it, willing to suffer through aisle congestion to avoid that area as if it may contain communicable diseases.


Oregon's newest state park

We enjoyed some fresh air on Sunday. Kai mostly loved following the bigger kids around, but he was in a good mood and gave us some nice smiles.

From 2009.11

Zoo Lights

Kai was ecstatic to check out the ZooLights. We had a bit of trouble keeping him out of the displays. Never fun when you hear the other parents tell their kids, "just because he is doing it doesn't mean you can too!"

From 2009.11

Look, no hands!

Next up: chopsticks.

From 2009.11

Boys day off

Had a day off last Wednesday--a perfect day to hit the slopes and work up some appetite for turkey.

From 2009.11


Kai recently enjoyed a trip to OMSI. Air-powered rockets, laser lights, and a submarine equal good fun.

From 2009.11