
The last of this winter's fun

We recently enjoyed a multi-family ski trip where Kai had all sorts of fun including swimming in the outdoor pool during snowfall. The kids enjoyed the warm sun on the patio at lunch. Video to follow in another post.

From 2010.03

This is how we eat seaweed

From 2010.03

Artwork for sale!

From 2010.03


"The moving game"

If you hear Kai talking about "the moving game", this is what he's talking about. It's a Foucault pendulum at the Oregon Convention Center. The game is trying to stay underneath it.

From 2010.01


Back to the zoo we went in this lovely winter weather we've been having. Kai was looking for the tigers this time around, mostly because he watched a Tigger movie recently.

From 2010.01

Time for school

Kai likes to say "time for school" after which he'll promptly sit you down and "teach" you something.

From 2010.01

Beach boy

Many of our trips to the beach are cold (or at least cool) and sometimes wet. Well, despite going in mid-January this year, we were blessed with warm and sunny weather. Kai had his shades ready to catch some rays. And enjoyed writing post cards from the balcony.

From 2010.01

While there, we also learned some pool, and...a new way to carry leftovers?

From 2010.01